Best collection of open source Javascript carousel librairies

Introduction πŸš€

Javascript carousel libraries are readily available bundles of code that enable developers to swiftly and effortlessly craft carousels, eliminating the need to build them from the ground up. A wealth of these Javascript carousel libraries can be found on the internet, each offering distinct features and advantages. The beauty of these libraries lies in their exceptional adaptability, granting developers the freedom to fine-tune the carousel's appearance to align precisely with their design preferences.⚑

Below a list of the greatest and easy-to-implement open source librairies :

  1. Slick
  2. Embla Caousel
  3. Swiper
  4. Flicking
  5. Splide


Slick library main features are :

  • Used for responsive design, touch support, infinite looping, and more features.
  • Offers a responsive carousel jQuery plugin JavaScript Carousel library.
  • Supports multiple breakpoints, CSS3 transitions, touch events/swiping & much more.

Slick Website β†—

Embla carousel library main features are :

  • Library with great fluid motion and awesome swipe precision.
  • Agnostic and dependency free.
  • Has a full support for Javascript, Typescript, React, Vue and Svelte.
  • Has a generator with which you can generate your carousel animations with ease.

Embla Website β†— Embla Generator β†—


Swiper library main features are :

  • Used in User Interface, Carousel applications, etc.
  • It’s a touch-enabled library.
  • Offers features such as responsive design, multiple layouts, and custom animations.

Swiper website β†—


Flicking library main features are :

  • A reliable, flexible and extendable carousel.
  • Has a full support for Angular, React, Vue, Svelte and Preact.
  • SSR ready, you can use it with SSR (Server Side Rendering) frameworks like Next.js or Nuxt.js.
  • Contains ready-to-use plugins like Autoplay, Fade effect, Parallax effect, etc.
  • Has a rich API.

Flicking Website β†—


Splide library main features are :

  • Used in User Interface, Animation, React applications, etc.
  • It’s a customizable and lightweight carousel library.
  • Offers many features, such as keyboard navigation, accessibility, and autoplay.
  • Has an official SDK for React applications.

Splide Website β†—

Conclusion βœ…

If you found that those properties are valuable and useful, start using them in your next projects and share the post. πŸ™β™»